Jacqui Sansom,
Burnout Recovery Coach

Are you a high-functioning professional who’s ready to feel energised, relaxed, and excited about life again?

I’m Jacqui Sansom, and for as long as I can remember I’ve been motivated by one big question – what does it mean to be truly happy and healthy in all that we do?

Let me tell you a little about how I arrived here…

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2004 - Jacqui & Leoni [daughter]

My journey to becoming a Burnout Recovery Coach has been as much personal as it has professional.

To the outside world, I was a successful family lawyer with a beautiful daughter and a lovely home.

It looked like I had it all (and I kept pushing myself to maintain that status).

But behind closed doors, my perfect life was not-so-perfect at all. I was barely holding things together.

During the day, I immersed myself in the high-conflict world of Family and Childcare Law. At home, every ounce of my energy went into being the ‘perfect’ mother. I was trying to fulfil my lifelong commitment to parenting and building my career, but something had to give.

I sacrificed the need for love and connection and didn’t have the energy to invest in a relationship with a significant other. Over the years, this took its toll on me. I didn’t recognise who I’d become.

I was exhausted, overwhelmed and burnt out.

My body couldn’t sustain that kind of pressure, and in 2016 I received a life-changing breast cancer diagnosis.

Instantly, my whole world turned upside down. I wanted to live, and I knew things had to change. Up until then, I’d simply been existing.

My passion for health meant I was already experienced in various mind-body healing modalities, having trained with some of the world’s most respected organisations.

It was time to walk my talk.

So, I put my skills into action and made an incredible recovery from cancer that surprised even my medical team.

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Fast forward to the present, and I have more energy and better health than I did in my forties!

My skills and recovery journey mean I’m uniquely placed to help you stop burnout in its tracks, and effectively manage the intricate balance between professional responsibilities, personal fulfilment, and good health.

When you work with me, we’ll get to the bottom of your burnout. Then we will develop a bespoke pathway to recovery, utilising innovative solutions that get real results.

Let's join forces to transform your exhaustion into vitality so you can flourish in this incredible journey we call life!

Guiding Principles

My work is guided by a set of principles that allow me to work with you as a whole person – not just a set of symptoms that need to be solved.

Through my own experience of recovery, I've learned that physical symptoms often indicate deeper emotional and psychological issues.

I’m committed to helping you explore the root causes of your health challenges in a safe and supportive setting.

The 6 Root Causes of all Symptoms diagram - stress, lifestyle, emotions, beliefs, and physical body.
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The connection between our mind and body is key to being healthy in every sense. My FREE health companion eBook Balancing Act will help you to understand the importance of these six influences on our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

I approach each session through a trauma-informed lens. This means I work with you to identify and work through any emotional or traumatic events that may be contributing to your symptoms, releasing your emotions in a healthy and positive way.

Then I give you the tools to emerge on the other side – your spark fully restored!


Want to know more?

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Relieving stress through breath

When we are stressed, our nervous system shifts into the fight or flight response, impeding our ability to make rational decisions in that moment. One of the easiest ways to de-stress and build resilience is to breathe in such a way that soothes our nervous system.

Learn how to regulate your breathing (and stress) through the Breathe Easy Technique outlined in my Breathe Easy Guide

Want to cultivate your own source of resilience? Listen to the guided Breathe Easy audio!

Ultimately, my goal is to help you take an active role in your own healing journey. By working with me, you’ll unlock the skills for resilience and incredible wellbeing that will last a lifetime.

Breathe Easy
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