
Before the session with Jacqui, I was finding it hard to feel safe and trust myself, my decisions and other people. I had suffered some losses that had left me feeling unworthy and withdrawn.

During the session, I was reassured and made to feel safe and comfortable. This meant I was able to heal the part of myself that felt guilty and ashamed, and trust in myself and my decisions again.

After working with Jacqui, I am able to tune into a feeling of safety, love and connection much more easily and am able to be hopeful about the future. I find myself smiling for no reason and looking forward to building healthy relationships again.

If you want a deep way to heal old core wounds, I’d recommend matrix reimprinting with Jacqui as she is a friendly, knowledgable practitioner and amazing lady. Thank you, Jacqui!

MJB, London

Work with Jacqui

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