
I had come to the realisation that I needed some help with managing various difficulties in my life, and Jacqui talked with confidence about the different skills she could utilise to assist me.  I was able to be very open and honest with Jacqui about the extent of my difficulties and found her to be very empathetic to the pressures of my various roles at home and work.  We discussed the outcomes I wanted to achieve, and agreed on a package of twelve sessions to start with.  I initially struggled with considering myself worthy of this investment, but realised that I would be unlikely to make the changes I wanted, without professional support and guidance.  Ideally, I wanted to be ‘normal’ within the twelve sessions, but realised it had taken at least 15-20 years to get to this point and the would be no quick fix.  During the sessions with Jacqui, I realised that it had actually been my whole life bringing me to this point; along with the lives of my parents, and their expectations; and although I did gain a lot of insight, there is still work for me to do.

I was reluctant to delve into some of my previous experiences, and resisted Jacqui’s attempts to uncover further details.  Jacqui attempted various ways to encourage me, starting with encouragement, and was sometimes directive, if the gentler methods did not yield information.  Because of  Jacqui’s experience she is aware that the incidents which are most challenging to explore, often hold a key to the difficulties we have sought help for.

Through undertaking the sessions with Jacqui over an extended period of time, I have been able to gain more understanding over the reasons for my own behaviour, in addition to my responses to and understanding of how I relate to other people.  I have become more confident to discuss issues with my parents, putting across my memory or view of what happened, and hearing their explanation.  This has assisted me to develop greater understanding of myself, which has been hugely enlightening!  It is highly unlikely that I would be in this position without undertaking the therapy with Jacqui, as it would not have occurred to me.  I found the matrix re-imprinting and hypnosis particularly interesting, as my subconscious was accessible, and whilst I was aware of what I was saying, I couldn’t control it, therefore it was completely unfiltered and honest.  This was really helpful, because it meant Jacqui and I could gain an understanding of the underlying issues.

At the end of the twelve sessions, Jacqui recommended I undertake some further self improvement work with some resources, and to contact her again if I wanted to continue my work with her.  I was able to prioritise the face to face sessions I had with Jacqui, but I have not prioritised the further work in the same way.  Once I have gained some further understanding of myself, I would have no hesitation in approaching Jacqui for further sessions, or recommending her to others.  It is my view that working as a lawyer with children means Jacqui has a vast array of knowledge with regard to the range of difficulties both adults and children experience.  This places her in a unique position to have an understanding of how challenging life can be, a desire to assist people to be their best selves and the skills to help people achieve this.

If you want to make a positive change in your life, but not sure how to do it, or where to start, contact Jacqui, you’ll be glad you did!

Sarah Bell

Work with Jacqui

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